Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Day Two...Tweet Tweet!

Twitter was always the one social media I could not get addicted to. Those of you that know me well will already be aware of my constant barrage of shares, likes, statuses and comments on Facebook. I am not even sorry. My LOVE and HATE for that site has grown over the years; there is a cure. Deciding to go cold turkey, I tried deactivating it for a whole week (I know, a week!!!) but that bird landed right back on my plate again. Anyway, back to the real reason I write to you this morning. Twitter. Recently having gone back onto my account it has helped me touch base with a world outside the nearest and dearest. Bloggers, musicians, presenters, poets, photographers - you name it people are on there using it constantly! So, I guess it has pulled me back in. I am not sure how long it will last, a few days, a week, a month, a year? We shall see, but for now, without much shame I plug my page Poetry_Poise and i'm there to stay. For the foreseeable future. If you do not already use it, have a go - I highly recommend you follow the 'Big Ben'!

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